Posts By: IMS Admin

The Temporomandibular Joint

By Dr. Tarek O. Zaki, D.D.S.     What is the temporomandibular joint and how can orthodontists decrease the chances of stress and pain on this joint?       The Temporomandibular Joint   A joint is where two bones meet in our body. Normally there is cartilage covering them at their contact surfaces. The… Read more »

Mouth Breathing vs. Nose Breathing and Orthodontics

By Dr. Tarek O. Zaki, D.D.S.       Did you know mouth breathing, as opposed to breathing through your nose, can cause dental problems and the need for orthodontics? Find out how dentofacial orthopedics performed by an orthodontist can help.         Mouth Breathing vs. Nose Breathing and Orthodontics   It is… Read more »

Sucking Habits: Breaking the Habit and Orthodontic Treatment

By Dr. Tarek O. Zaki, D.D.S.       Many children have sucking habits such as sucking their thumb, fingers or objects, but this can lead to tooth alignment problems later and may require orthodontic treatment. At what age should you help your child curb the habit and how can you distract them from sucking?… Read more »

The Importance of Seeking a Specialized Orthodontist

By Dr. Tarek O. Zaki, D.D.S.   With the advent of clear tooth aligners such as Invisalign and Clear Correct, many family dentists took courses (some of which are only one or two days long) and became “certified” in providing this type of treatment.  I have to stop and wonder if their trusting patients know… Read more »

What Type of a Face Do you Have?

By Dr. Tarek O. Zaki, D.D.S.     Did you know that the shape of your face can help determine the best orthodontics treatment? When examining a case for orthodontic treatment, a trained orthodontist will be checking if the patient has a broad face (brachycephalic), an average face (mesocephalic) or a long face (dolichocephalic).  Actress… Read more »

How Do Braces Move Teeth?

By Dr. Tarek O. Zaki, D.D.S. Have you ever thought about how braces move teeth? Aren’t your teeth in there permanently, so they can’t move? Being able to move teeth is pretty impressive. Right? With the use of braces and an educated and trained orthodontist, your teeth can be moved to give you a beautiful… Read more »

At What Age Should My Child First See an Orthodontist?

Children and Orthodontics

By Dr. Tarek O. Zaki, D.D.S.     Parents want to know what age they should bring their child to an orthodontist. Learn the age recommendations and what will happen during your child’s first visit.     At What Age Should My Child First See an Orthodontist?   Your child should see an orthodontist as… Read more »

Top 5 Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

By Dr. Tarek O. Zaki, D.D.S.   Straight teeth can benefit your oral, mental and overall health. In this blog, you will learn the top 5 benefits of having straight teeth.   Top 5 Benefits of Having Straight Teeth Your smile is your personal introduction. It is part of the first impression you give another… Read more »